Yes I am! We arrived safe & sound yesterday at Moon Palace and I think five star might just be the way to go. LOL! Well, I know it's the way to go, but I think I might actually put out the $$ for it in the future - this place is outstanding.
The walk to our room (the resort is still under construction, so it's not jam packed and the place is HUGE!! Plus we're one of the closest resorts to the ocean according to the little map I received) See that blue sky? Yep - follow it to reach blue ocean!)
Which I did....and what an ocean it is!
Then I lounged a little before checking out the next pool over...which was where I discovered the awesomeness of a swim-up bar. And mamajuana. And Pina Coladas with Brugal.
And Spin at 10am!
Oh yeah - and let's not forget this hottie who wasn't complaining too much when we were checking out the warm ocean =) Only two more days until her birthday! And if she ever found out I put this on here...well let's just say I don't think she'd like the Dominican jails, which might be my only saving grace =)
That's right - I enjoyed myself last night, was fairly early to bed, then sweated it out with the hottie instructor and a fairly full class of Spin participants. And we'll all meet up tomorrow at 10 for another session! Met some fellow hockey fans from Michigan in class (the guy cheered "Go Wings" and I said "yeah - I can appreciate that - I love Steve Yzerman" and now we're friends for life. I think. Well, maybe just tomorrow. When we can sweat our little faces off again!)
Hope you're having a great start of the week. I'm just enjoying a little "After Sun Gel". LOL! Already achieved some color in the pool & shade.
On the way back from the pool, I met a little birdie friend. (or should I say....I like him from far away...)